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Past Projects


Creative Science Competition in celebration of International Earth Day

Supported by UNESCO (United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organisation), ICASE (International Council of Associations for Science Education) and Singapore Polytechnic, the event was over-subscribed by schools as they exercise their creativity to suggest ideas to protect our environment

ICASE Asian Symposium in Singapore

Attended by 200 Science and Mathematics educator from countries like USA, Europe, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore who come together to discuss key challenges facing educators in global education.

Channel 8’s “Fun Discovery of Maths”

Invited to participate in this children programme every fortnight to share fun Creative Maths activities with viewers.

Involved in Research on Creative Learning with Government Ministry

Participated in pioneer research project of Government ministry to study the impact of creative learning on disadvantaged children which involves conducting our programmes to children of twenty voluntary homes.

Past Projects

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